Mental health teams temporarily move from Grantham hospital site | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Mental health teams temporarily move from Grantham hospital site

As many colleagues will know United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust has recently implemented plans to make Grantham and District Hospital a largely COVID-free site during this next phase of the pandemic.

This change will see thousands of patients who have had surgery and appointments postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic getting the treatment they urgently need, including more chemotherapy sessions, cancer surgeries and other elective surgeries for patients across Lincolnshire.

As part of this, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has worked closely with colleagues at ULHT and agreed to temporarily re-locate mental health services from Grantham hospital to support ULHT in making the site COVID-free.

This affects the following services:

  • Older adult community mental health team
  • Physical health psychology service.

The administration base for these teams will now be:

Unit 5, Turnpike Close, Swingbridge Road, Grantham, NG31 7XY

Our referral process and contact emails and phone numbers for the teams remain unchanged. However, any written correspondence should be redirected to the address above.

Older adult community team

01476 464838

Our medical colleagues in the community mental health team can be contacted via Witham Court
on 01522 500690.

Physical health psychology

01476 464046  

 We are seeking to minimise disruption for our patients and carers as far as possible during this time and whilst face to face appointments will now take place in an alternative clinic at Elm Lodge, Beaconfield site, Beacon Lane, Grantham, or another suitable community location, we will work closely with individuals to agree how and where appointments take place. This may include the continued use of digital technology or home visits.

Where face to face contact is required, as with all healthcare providers we have a range of safety measures in place to protect our patients and staff, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, social distancing, robust cleaning and hand hygiene programmes. We will also be asking our patients and carers to wear face coverings as far as possible. However we will have suitable alternative arrangements in place where this is not appropriate due to disabilities, breathing difficulties or other impairments/anxieties where wearing a face covering would not be appropriate.

This temporary change is part of Lincolnshire’s NHS response to the level 4 national emergency, and accordingly will be reviewed when the current phase of the response nationally comes to an end. Based on current available information, this will run to the end of March 2021 but could be subject to change. It will be reviewed quarterly throughout.

If you have any questions regarding the impact of these changes please contact the teams directly to discuss.