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  1. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at these six resources to help you better understand how Brexit may affect you.
  2. Advice and Information -

    With increased pressure on NHS services across the country, pharmacists have a vital role to play in helping people manage their health.
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    Congratulations if you have recently found out you are pregnant!
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    With increased pressure on NHS services across the country, pharmacists have a vital role to play in helping people manage their health.
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    Read the latest advice and information from NHS England and Public Health England about the Coronavirus.
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    It's so important that you feel supported as a new parent. Read the article below to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
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    Did you know that pharmacies provide advice and information on minor illnesses and ailments? Take a look at how they can help you.
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    Not sure whether you’re eligible for a flu vaccine or how to get it? Read our frequently asked questions.
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    Becoming a parent can be a wonderful and exciting experience, but it can also be overwhelming. To help, we’ve broken down the pregnancy care you should expect from the NHS.
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    What is the six-week postnatal check for new mothers and why it’s important that you attend it? In this advice piece, we cover all the basic questions you may have about it.
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    A new scheme could see women across England save hundreds of pounds yearly on their Hormone Replacement Therapy with a prepayment certificate.
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    Accidents and injuries can happen anytime, anywhere, including within the safety of your own home. Having a well-stocked first aid kit readily available is crucial for handling minor injuries and providing immediate care before professional medical help arrives. In this article, we will discuss the essential supplies you should have in your first aid kit at home to ensure the safety and well-being of your family members.
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    People are often in need of out-of-hours medical assistance. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    Some common conditions that people seek GP appointments for will get better within a short time or can be treated with over-the-counter medicines from a pharmacy.
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    With more than thirty recognised symptoms of menopause and growing awareness of the impact on day-to-day life, it can help to know what to look out for and what support is available.
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    -Understanding the symptoms of flu and what the flu vaccine is helps you make informed decisions about your health.
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    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including where to go and why it's important.
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    The cost of living crisis has put many people under financial strain, and prescription costs are more than some can afford. Find out what help is out there to help you cover the cost of your medication.
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    Tips to help you stay well this winter and get the care you need.
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    Measles vaccination rates are at a ten-year low as cases rise nationwide. Find out about measles, who can get the vaccine, and what you can do to stay safe.
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    The new Pharmacy First scheme enables your local pharmacy to treat some common conditions with prescription-only medicines, without you visiting your GP. Find out everything you need to know.