Connect Health - Pain Management Workshops | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Connect Health - Pain Management Workshops

On the 1st April 19 there was a new provider for Pain Management called CONNECT HEALTH.
connect health logo - connect

For those patients moving from other health providers to Connect Health for Pain Management, these patients will be required to attend a Workshop where they will be informed of the new service and what to expect, patients will have a choice to opt in. 

If patients opt in they will be given an appointment at one of the clinics in and around Lincolnshire, these can  be seen on this web link .  Workshops are run at least 3 times a week at different areas across Lincolnshire.  These Workshops will cease once all transitional patients have gone through.  

Opting out of the workshop means patients have decided they do not require pain management service – should patients change their minds and want to resume with pain management they need to go back to their GP for referral.

If patients have previously had treatment and not heard anything from Connect Health they can make contact with them on 01522 581777 at the Patient Adviser Centre/Referral Management Centre.

New patients referred since 1 April, do not need to attend the workshop however should these patients not have heard anything from Connect Health then they need to go back to their GP surgery to see when the referral was submitted.