Healthwatch Lincolnshire talks about the changes to our local NHS | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Healthwatch Lincolnshire talks about the changes to our local NHS

NHS Commissioning Body in Lincolnshire, moving from 4 organisations into 1 in line with national direction.
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Healthwatch Lincolnshire talks about the changes to our local NHS

HWLincs, the provider for Healthwatch Lincolnshire, welcomes the change to the NHS Commissioning Body in Lincolnshire, moving from 4 organisations into 1 in line with national direction.

Sarah Fletcher CEO of HWLincs said “This has been a long awaited move and we welcome the newly named NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group.  Whilst we appreciate that all efforts are focussed on COVID-19 at the moment, we hope this approach in the longer term will bring greater equality to Lincolnshire patients receiving services and a more joined up streamlined approach”.