Healthwatch Lincolnshire - Office Closure but still working hard! | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Healthwatch Lincolnshire - Office Closure but still working hard!

We have made the decision to close our , office but we are still working hard and you can still contact us

Please note, we have made the difficult decision to close our office completely for the foreseeable future, this means that we will not be able to respond to any messages left on our mainline answer machine.  To contact us please use either:

For general HWLincs enquiries please call 07436 582000

For Healthwatch health and care signposting support please call 07436 582001

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but hope you understand we are complying with Government guidelines during this Coronavirus outbreak.

That said we are still working hard and we welcome your experiences of Health and scoical ccare services during this time.  It is our hope that giving feedback on your health and care services becomes a natural activity for everyone in Lincolnshire, because only by hearing your views can we all help change the way services work for the better.  Healthwatch, committed to sharing your voice … Healthwatch, here working for you!


During the Coronavirus pandemic HWLincs will for the time being be changing its working practices to safeguard our staff, volunteers and most importantly the public. You can still contact us in a number of ways:

For general HWLincs enquiries please call 07436 582000

For health and care signposting support please call 07436 582001

Or alternatively email or