Get Involved - A dental strategy for Lincolnshire 2022-2025 | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Get Involved - A dental strategy for Lincolnshire 2022-2025

Support the dental strategy for Lincolnshire 2022-2025

From April next year, Integrated Care Boards (the decision makers of the newly formed Integrated Care Systems) will take over the responsibility for commissioning dental services from NHS England. To support them in this new role, Lincolnshire ICB, NHS England and partners are looking to develop a local dental strategy for Lincolnshire, setting out what needs to be done over the next three years to improve NHS oral health services and drive improvements in oral health across the county.

Your involvement in helping to develop this strategy is key to its success. We all recognise the ongoing challenges facing NHS dentistry within Lincolnshire. Developing a plan and bringing all partners together to think about what we could do differently in Lincolnshire, where we could take bold action and innovate and be an example for other areas, can lead to real improvements in dental health and care for Lincolnshire people, both for patients and dental teams.

NHSE England are running workshop sessions over the next few weeks, where partners can come together to share our collective thinking on how the dental strategy for Lincolnshire should come together and what the key priorities and actions need to be to achieve what we agree. The first workshop will be virtual (online) and will be run on two occasions- Tuesday 20th September 5pm-7pm and run again on Wednesday 21st September 1pm-3pm. So if anyone can’t make one of these dates, then they may be able to come along to the alternative day and time. Focusing on the positives and ‘art of the possible’, this first workshop will focus on the assets, resources and capabilities that currently exists in Lincolnshire and which presents opportunities and could be harnessed to improve dental care and oral health.

If you would like to take part in this workshop please contact for more details or call 01205 820 892