HWL - Escalation Report -Cancer 62 day referral | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

HWL - Escalation Report -Cancer 62 day referral

For over 3 years Healthwatch Lincolnshire has received information which confirms Lincolnshire patients are not receiving treatment for cancers within the national recommended requirements.

Our organisation has raised on numerous occasions concerns about performance for cancer services in Lincolnshire.  We appreciate there are over 200 types of cancer with some more common than others, and we are keen to know which cancer services are directly attributed to the under-performance of the 62 day wait for treatment.

According to BBC Health site http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41483322 Lincolnshire performance figures for March 2018 were as follows:

United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust                           England

75.5%                                                                                          84.8%

  • United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust ranked 121 out of 133 trusts
  • The national target is that 85% of patients should begin treatment within 62 days of urgent GP referral


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