HWL Escalation Paper - Long Term Conditions | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

HWL Escalation Paper - Long Term Conditions

Due to patient comments as a result of our priorities work we have produced an Escalation Paper relating to long term conditions

Why is Healthwatch Lincolnshire bringing this to your attention?

In the summer of 2018, Healthwatch Lincolnshire invited the public of Lincolnshire to prioritise which health or care conditions and services were most important to them and why. What many respondents shared with us was their concerns about how they manage their long term conditions, particularly on a daily basis. 

How does Healthwatch Lincolnshire feel this affects patients?

It appears there is some reduction of specialist nurses in the county.  In addition, pressures on several of the ULHT specialist services seems to be resulting in patients waiting longer for diagnosis and ongoing support.  Combining these, we are concerned as to the impact on a patient’s ability to access timely advice and support for them to manage their long term conditions.  Access and support which could prevent deterioration of their condition/s and lead to possible hospitalisation.


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