Search | Healthwatch Lincolnshire
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    Healthwatch Lincolnshire Steering Group (HSG) – recruitment of 3 new Layperson Voluntary Members
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    Lincolnshire Care Awards return
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    Healthwatch Lincolnshire has launched a Life in a Care Home – 100 Voices survey to understand the many facets, complexities and positive outcomes of living in care homes across the county.
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    Share your experiences of Lincolnshire Care Homes
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    Our next YourVoice@healthwatch is scheduled to take place on Wed 21 April 2021 10 am to 12 noon. This Event will be held virtually and a link will be sent across to you along with useful background documents nearer the time.
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    NHS Lincolnshire Citizens’ Panel Prizewinner donates £250 prize to Newborns Charity
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    Active Lincolnshire- Project Lead (Maternity Cover)
    22.5 hours per week maternity cover to start September 2021