NHS invests £5 million to improve care for people with a learning disability | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

NHS invests £5 million to improve care for people with a learning disability

The NHS has announced an additional £5 million will fund reviews to improve care for people with a learning disability and committed to renewed national action to tackle serious conditions.

The NHS has announced an additional £5 million will fund reviews to improve care for people with a learning disability and committed to renewed national action to tackle serious conditions. Thousands more reviews will be carried out over the next 12 months, driving local improvements to help save and improve lives. As the third annual report, which reviews the deaths of people with a learning disability, and action plan were published last week, the NHS has committed to tackling the major killer conditions among people with a learning disability including pneumonia, respiratory conditions, constipation, sepsis and cancer, based on lessons learned from reviews.