Speak up on your autism experiences in Lincolnshire | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Speak up on your autism experiences in Lincolnshire

Speak up on your autism experiences in Lincolnshire
Autism feedback

Around half a million people in England have an autistic spectrum condition. Early assessment, diagnosis and support can help people with autism and their families improve their quality of life.

Autism affects people in different ways, bringing strengths but also some challenges that can impact on how comfortable, healthy and happy people feel. Getting the right diagnosis and support is important.

Would you like to share your experiences of services for those with autism?

Do you care for someone with autism and want to ensure your views on local services can be heard?

Tell us about your experience of autism services and diagnosis in Lincolnshire. (In the last 12 months)

How to get involved

You can share your views with us by:

Of course, if you would like to join in the conversation online to help us spread the message you can find us on Twitter https://twitter.com/HealthwatchLinc and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/healthwatchlincolnshire/