Have Your Say - Substance misuse family support survey | Healthwatch Lincolnshire

Have Your Say - Substance misuse family support survey

Substance misuse family support survey

Family Support Service 

Lincolnshire County Council Public Health are recommissioning the treatment and recovery services for Lincolnshire.  As part of the recommissioning, we would like to improve the support that is available for families, friends and others who are affected by someone’s drug and alcohol use. 

We value your views and to help shape the development of a future family support service please complete this short survey so that we can understand what type of support should be offered and how it should be delivered. 

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and will ask you which services you have accessed and how helpful you found the support.   

Please click here to complete the survey.  The closing date is midnight on 11/09/22  

If you have any questions about the survey, please email:   

Allison.walker@lincolnshire.gov.uk or Sandra.kelley@lincolnshire.gov.uk