Search | Healthwatch Lincolnshire
  1. News -

    This Autism Acceptance week (28 March - 3 April)
  2. News -

    A new Medical Director has been appointed at Lincolnshire’s mental health, learning disability and autism NHS trust.
  3. News -

    We are pleased to announce that existing team member Dean Odell has been promoted to Healthwatch Lincolnshire Contract Manager, and that he has now taken up the role.
  4. Report -

    This report provides a look back at our work over the last quarter Oct - Dec 2021 and takes a look ahead of what we have planned
  5. News -

    Have you or someone you care for or support recently used the Community Equipment Service or the Wheelchair Service in Lincolnshire?
  6. Report -

    Our Steering Group met in November 2021
  7. Report -

    Our Steering Group met in December 2022
  8. Report -

    During December 2021 Healthwatch Lincolnshire received 129 patient experiences.
  9. Response -

    Using your feedback on care, Healthwatch England share with Government the issues they believe should be included in the objectives for the NHS for the year ahead. Read the recommendations.
  10. News -

    After four successful years with us our current Volunteer Officer is moving on to pastures new, so we are in the process of recruiting to this role.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Do you know about your rights to language support in NHS settings?
  12. Report -

    During April 2022 Healthwatch Lincolnshire received 94 patient experiences.
  13. Response -

    Our national director Louise Ansari responds to General Sir Gordon Messenger and Dame Linda Pollard’s review of health and care leadership.
  14. Report -

    Our Annual Plan outlines our plans and what we want to achieve in our 2022-23 contract year.
  15. News -

    Trustees’ Week 2022 (7-11 November)
  16. News -

    What an impressive turnout we had on the 26 October at The Storehouse in Skegness for our joint Healthwatch Annual Report Presentations and Yourvoice@healthwatch round table event.
  17. News -

    Read the latest HWLincs News - December 2022